Revolutionize Your Practice Today!

C-Spine AMN Calibration

An Introductory Online Workshop

Embark on the journey of AMN method exploration in our introductory online workshop, meticulously crafted for trainers, movement therapists, and body workers. This course is your first step towards mastering innovative techniques tailored to address the nuances of C-spine lateral flexion and rotation dysfunctions. Equip yourself with foundational skills that simplify complex concepts and empower you to foster significant, positive changes in your clients' lives. Discover the art of effective communication with the nervous system and become the trusted practitioner who guides clients from discomfort to ease, from limitation to freedom.

"After completing the C-Spine & Shoulder Workshop, I've seen remarkable improvements in my clients' mobility and pain levels. The AMN techniques are a game-changer for any practitioner looking to elevate their practice. The immediate results and client satisfaction have truly set my services apart. This workshop is a must for anyone serious about making a real difference in their clients' lives."

Alex Thompson

Revolutionize Your Practice Today!

C-Spine AMN Calibration An Introductory Online Workshop

Embark on the journey of AMN method exploration in our introductory online workshop, meticulously crafted for trainers, movement therapists, and body workers. This course is your first step towards mastering innovative techniques tailored to address the nuances of C-spine lateral flexion and rotation dysfunctions. Equip yourself with foundational skills that simplify complex concepts and empower you to foster significant, positive changes in your clients' lives. Discover the art of effective communication with the nervous system and become the trusted practitioner who guides clients from discomfort to ease, from limitation to freedom.

"After completing the C-Spine & Shoulder Workshop, I've seen remarkable improvements in my clients' mobility and pain levels. The AMN techniques are a game-changer for any practitioner looking to elevate their practice. The immediate results and client satisfaction have truly set my services apart. This workshop is a must for anyone serious about making a real difference in their clients' lives."

Alex Thompson

Unlock New Levels of Healing:

Join Our Introductory C-Spine AMN Calibration Workshop

Step into the realm of Applied Movement Neurology with our Online C-Spine Calibration Workshop, specifically designed as an introduction for therapists, trainers, and body workers aspiring to innovate their practice. This course serves as the gateway to understanding and applying AMN techniques, particularly focusing on enhancing lateral flexion and rotation in the cervical spine. Immerse yourself in a learning experience that promises not only to broaden your therapeutic toolkit but also to significantly improve your clients' well-being.

Unlock Transformative Benefits for Your Practice

  • Introductory AMN Techniques for Focused Applications: Delve into the foundational elements of the AMN method, focusing on the targeted restoration of lost lateral flexion and rotation in the C-spine.

  • Immediate Skills for Lasting Benefits: Master foundational peripheral nerve mobilisations and sensory techniques for swift, lasting benefits, perfect for early practice integration.

  • AMN Calibrate Basics for Targeted Care: Learn the essentials of AMN Calibrate for precise dysfunction identification and treatment, a solid foundation for those new to AMN.

  • Essential Neuro-Fascial Insights: Uncover the key relationship between the nervous system and fascial health, focusing on bio-electricity and the piezoelectric effect for improved movement and pain management.

  • A Holistic Approach to Client Care: Start with the AMN Fascia screen to integrate basic strategies for deep cervical care, broadening your approach to myofascial health.

  • Foundational Diagnostic Skills: Gain fundamental AMN muscle testing skills to identify myofascial dysfunctions accurately, ensuring tailored interventions from the outset.

Begin your AMN journey with our C-Spine Calibration Workshop, an introduction to innovative techniques aimed at restoring lost lateral flexion and rotation. Each module is crafted to provide foundational knowledge and practical skills, setting the stage for further exploration and growth in your practice. This workshop is your first step towards integrating AMN methodologies and becoming a key innovator in your professional circle.

Unlock New Levels of Healing:

Join Our Introductory C-Spine AMN Calibration Workshop

Step into the realm of Applied Movement Neurology with our Online C-Spine Calibration Workshop, specifically designed as an introduction for therapists, trainers, and body workers aspiring to innovate their practice. This course serves as the gateway to understanding and applying AMN techniques, particularly focusing on enhancing lateral flexion and rotation in the cervical spine. Immerse yourself in a learning experience that promises not only to broaden your therapeutic toolkit but also to significantly improve your clients' well-being.

Unlock Transformative Benefits for Your Practice

  • Introductory AMN Techniques for Focused Applications: Delve into the foundational elements of the AMN method, focusing on the targeted restoration of lost lateral flexion and rotation in the C-spine.

  • Immediate Skills for Lasting Benefits: Master foundational peripheral nerve mobilisations and sensory techniques for swift, lasting benefits, perfect for early practice integration.

  • AMN Calibrate Basics for Targeted Care: Learn the essentials of AMN Calibrate for precise dysfunction identification and treatment, a solid foundation for those new to AMN.

  • Essential Neuro-Fascial Insights: Uncover the key relationship between the nervous system and fascial health, focusing on bio-electricity and the piezoelectric effect for improved movement and pain management.

  • A Holistic Approach to Client Care: Start with the AMN Fascia screen to integrate basic strategies for deep cervical care, broadening your approach to myofascial health.

  • Foundational Diagnostic Skills: Gain fundamental AMN muscle testing skills to identify myofascial dysfunctions accurately, ensuring tailored interventions from the outset.

Begin your AMN journey with our C-Spine Calibration Workshop, an introduction to innovative techniques aimed at restoring lost lateral flexion and rotation. Each module is crafted to provide foundational knowledge and practical skills, setting the stage for further exploration and growth in your practice. This workshop is your first step towards integrating AMN methodologies and becoming a key innovator in your professional circle.

Why is AMN Academy The Best Choice?

For Health And Fitness Professionals Who Are Passionate About Changing Lives For The Better? (Hint: The numbers speak for themselves…)



Students Educated Since 2012



Countries with AMN Practitioners




Changed by the AMN Community

Why is AMN Academy The Best Choice?

For Health And Fitness Professionals Who Are Passionate About Changing Lives For The Better? (Hint: The numbers speak for themselves…)


Over 4286

Students Educated Since 2012


Over 65

Countries with AMN Practitioners



Changed by the AMN Community

How will this workshop improve my treatment of neck and cervical spine issues?

This workshop is crafted to introduce you to the foundational principles of neurology and biomechanics that are crucial for addressing basic neck and cervical spine issues. By beginning to explore AMN Calibration techniques, you'll start to:

  • Understand the foundational aspects of the nervous and fascial systems, aiding in the initial identification of common cervical dysfunctions.

  • Learn to apply basic, targeted interventions aimed at improving lateral flexion and rotation, providing effective relief for your clients.

  • Begin to stand out in your field by integrating introductory AMN strategies into your practice, potentially boosting your professional standing and client satisfaction.

  • Broaden your therapeutic toolkit with neuroscience-informed strategies that serve as a complement to traditional methods, offering a holistic approach to cervical spine care.

How will this workshop improve my treatment of neck & cervical spine issues?

This workshop is crafted to introduce you to the foundational principles of neurology and biomechanics that are crucial for addressing basic neck and cervical spine issues. By beginning to explore AMN Calibration techniques, you'll start to:

  • Understand the foundational aspects of the nervous and fascial systems, aiding in the initial identification of common cervical dysfunctions.

  • Learn to apply basic, targeted interventions aimed at improving lateral flexion and rotation, providing effective relief for your clients.

  • Begin to stand out in your field by integrating introductory AMN strategies into your practice, potentially boosting your professional standing and client satisfaction.

  • Broaden your therapeutic toolkit with neuroscience-informed strategies that serve as a complement to traditional methods, offering a holistic approach to cervical spine care.

Unlock C-Spine AMN Calibration Workshop

6 Modules (37 Video Lessons) to Elevate Your Practice

Dive into the foundational aspects of spinal health with our Introductory C-Spine AMN Calibration Workshop, your first step towards revolutionizing your approach to client care.

This carefully structured 6-module online class combines introductory-level science with practical techniques, setting the groundwork for you to begin addressing cervical spine dysfunctions. Through an exploration of the fundamental principles of the nervous system and an introduction to the AMN Calibrate methodologies, each module is crafted to start enhancing your practice and provide initial improvements for your clients. Ideal for both new and experienced practitioners looking to integrate AMN basics into their repertoire, this workshop is designed to offer a starting point for innovative and impactful strategies in cervical spine care.

The Academy of Applied Movement Neurology (AMN Academy) has been recognised as a Centre of Excellence by The Complementary Medical Association (The CMA). This means that we are proud to say that we hold full Training College Membership of The Complementary Medical Association. This Membership is highly prestigious, and it demonstrates our commitment to the very highest standards of excellence in training courses – and our dedication to supporting you, as our Student.


Workshop Overview & Materials

In this initial module, you will be introduced to the overarching structure and objectives of the AMN Calibrate C-spine workshop. This foundational session will lay out the roadmap for your learning journey, detailing the core concepts, techniques, and materials that will be covered. Alongside a thorough overview, you will receive a comprehensive 40-page class workbook. This invaluable resource delves deeper into the techniques discussed, providing detailed explanations, illustrations, and additional insights to enrich your understanding and application of the AMN system in a therapeutic context.


Nervous System Foundations

In Module 2, "Nervous System Foundations," you will embark on a deep dive into the intricacies of the nervous system, laying the groundwork for advanced therapeutic techniques. This module comprises three pivotal lessons designed to enhance your understanding and application of neurological principles in addressing cervical spine dysfunctions.

You'll Learn:

  • The fundamental role and structure of the nervous system, exploring its central and peripheral components to understand how it governs movement and sensory information.

  • Through a focused case study on cervical flexion, you will examine real-world applications of nervous system knowledge in resolving common yet complex cervical spine issues.

  • An in-depth exploration of the Peripheral Nervous System (PNS), its crucial role in voluntary muscle movements, and how its dysfunctions can impact the cervical spine.


Enhancing Cervical Mobility: Techniques & Safety

In this module you'll delve into hands-on, practical drills designed to significantly improve cervical spine mobility and function. Spanning five comprehensive video lessons, this module offers a blend of techniques that can be directly applied to your practice, providing immediate benefits to your clients.

You will explore:

  • Techniques for mobilising the Spinal Accessory Nerve, crucial for alleviating restrictions and enhancing neck mobility.

  • Guidelines for safe nerve mobilisation practices to ensure effectiveness while preventing potential adverse effects.

  • A unique sensory drill aimed at enhancing motion through novel sensory and attentional cues, enriching the therapeutic experience.

  • A visual drill that leverages eye movement to facilitate cervical spine rotation, tapping into the intricate relationship between vision and neck mobility.

  • The Holistic Cervical Integration Technique, a comprehensive approach that integrates cervical function with the body's overall movement patterns for holistic improvement.


AMN Calibration: Therapeutic Intervention, Practical Fascia Screening

Module 4 is an extensive exploration into the advanced techniques of the AMN Calibration system, with a focus on therapeutic intervention and fascia screening. This module, comprising 25 in-depth video lessons, takes you through a step-by-step journey into the intricacies of fascial health, its impact on the musculoskeletal system, and the practical application of AMN's unique screening and intervention strategies.

You will delve into:

  • Fundamental concepts of fascia, its significance in musculoskeletal health, and techniques to highlight fascial areas for therapeutic intervention.

  • The science behind muscle test responses to stimulation and the piezoelectric effect, providing a deeper understanding of the body's bioelectrical system.

  • Practical steps to ensure client readiness for intervention through a series of online checks and troubleshooting techniques.

  • Detailed exploration of myofascial zones, including the epicranial, temporalis, masseter, SCM, trapezius, pecs, deltoids, and lateral intermuscular septum, among others.

  • Comprehensive training on building motor screening patterns, conducting a full lateralised screen, and calibrating voltage dysfunctions across various fascial zones.


Client Intervention Strategy

Module 5, titled "Client Intervention Strategy," is the capstone of the AMN Calibrate C-spine workshop, focusing on the application of all the techniques and concepts learned in previous modules. This module guides you through the strategic process of selecting and prioritizing interventions for each client, ensuring personalized and effective therapeutic outcomes.

In this module, you will:

  • Learn to assess a variety of interventions, including peripheral nerve mobilisation, visual motor drills, sensory stimulation, integrated movement sequences, and fascia screening.

  • Understand how to use the concept of "PRIORITY" in clinical decision-making to select the most appropriate intervention for each client.

  • Gain insight into the practical application of these strategies through real-world examples and case studies.ecision-making to select the most appropriate intervention for each client.

  • Empower yourself with a comprehensive toolkit of interventions for cervical spine dysfunctions, increasing your versatility as a practitioner.


What's Next?

As the final module of the AMN Calibrate C-spine workshop, "What's Next?" serves as a bridge from the foundational skills and techniques you've learned to broader applications and continued learning opportunities. This module not only concludes the workshop but also opens up avenues for further exploration and advancement in the field of therapeutic interventions.

Study Time Commitment

15-20min / Day

Study Length Commitment

2-3 Weeks Average

Course Format


Unlock C-Spine AMN Calibration Workshop

6 Modules (37 Video Lessons) to Elevate Your Practice

Dive into the foundational aspects of spinal health with our Introductory C-Spine AMN Calibration Workshop, your first step towards revolutionizing your approach to client care.

This carefully structured 6-module online class combines introductory-level science with practical techniques, setting the groundwork for you to begin addressing cervical spine dysfunctions. Through an exploration of the fundamental principles of the nervous system and an introduction to the AMN Calibrate methodologies, each module is crafted to start enhancing your practice and provide initial improvements for your clients. Ideal for both new and experienced practitioners looking to integrate AMN basics into their repertoire, this workshop is designed to offer a starting point for innovative and impactful strategies in cervical spine care.

The Academy of Applied Movement Neurology (AMN Academy) has been recognised as a Centre of Excellence by The Complementary Medical Association (The CMA). This means that we are proud to say that we hold full Training College Membership of The Complementary Medical Association. This Membership is highly prestigious, and it demonstrates our commitment to the very highest standards of excellence in training courses – and our dedication to supporting you, as our Student.


Workshop Overview & Materials

In this initial module, you will be introduced to the overarching structure and objectives of the AMN Calibrate C-spine workshop. This foundational session will lay out the roadmap for your learning journey, detailing the core concepts, techniques, and materials that will be covered. Alongside a thorough overview, you will receive a comprehensive 40-page class workbook. This invaluable resource delves deeper into the techniques discussed, providing detailed explanations, illustrations, and additional insights to enrich your understanding and application of the AMN system in a therapeutic context.


Nervous System Foundations

In Module 2, "Nervous System Foundations," you will embark on a deep dive into the intricacies of the nervous system, laying the groundwork for advanced therapeutic techniques. This module comprises three pivotal lessons designed to enhance your understanding and application of neurological principles in addressing cervical spine dysfunctions.

You'll Learn:

  • The fundamental role and structure of the nervous system, exploring its central and peripheral components to understand how it governs movement and sensory information.

  • Through a focused case study on cervical flexion, you will examine real-world applications of nervous system knowledge in resolving common yet complex cervical spine issues.

  • An in-depth exploration of the Peripheral Nervous System (PNS), its crucial role in voluntary muscle movements, and how its dysfunctions can impact the cervical spine.


Enhancing Cervical Mobility: Techniques & Safety

In this module you'll delve into hands-on, practical drills designed to significantly improve cervical spine mobility and function. Spanning five comprehensive video lessons, this module offers a blend of techniques that can be directly applied to your practice, providing immediate benefits to your clients.

You will explore:

  • Techniques for mobilising the Spinal Accessory Nerve, crucial for alleviating restrictions and enhancing neck mobility.

  • Guidelines for safe nerve mobilisation practices to ensure effectiveness while preventing potential adverse effects.

  • A unique sensory drill aimed at enhancing motion through novel sensory and attentional cues, enriching the therapeutic experience.

  • A visual drill that leverages eye movement to facilitate cervical spine rotation, tapping into the intricate relationship between vision and neck mobility.

  • The Holistic Cervical Integration Technique, a comprehensive approach that integrates cervical function with the body's overall movement patterns for holistic improvement.


AMN Calibration: Therapeutic Intervention, Practical Fascia Screening

Module 4 is an extensive exploration into the advanced techniques of the AMN Calibration system, with a focus on therapeutic intervention and fascia screening. This module, comprising 25 in-depth video lessons, takes you through a step-by-step journey into the intricacies of fascial health, its impact on the musculoskeletal system, and the practical application of AMN's unique screening and intervention strategies.

You will delve into:

  • Fundamental concepts of fascia, its significance in musculoskeletal health, and techniques to highlight fascial areas for therapeutic intervention.

  • The science behind muscle test responses to stimulation and the piezoelectric effect, providing a deeper understanding of the body's bioelectrical system.

  • Practical steps to ensure client readiness for intervention through a series of online checks and troubleshooting techniques.

  • Detailed exploration of myofascial zones, including the epicranial, temporalis, masseter, SCM, trapezius, pecs, deltoids, and lateral intermuscular septum, among others.

  • Comprehensive training on building motor screening patterns, conducting a full lateralised screen, and calibrating voltage dysfunctions across various fascial zones.


Client Intervention Strategy

Module 5, titled "Client Intervention Strategy," is the capstone of the AMN Calibrate C-spine workshop, focusing on the application of all the techniques and concepts learned in previous modules. This module guides you through the strategic process of selecting and prioritizing interventions for each client, ensuring personalized and effective therapeutic outcomes.

In this module, you will:

  • Learn to assess a variety of interventions, including peripheral nerve mobilisation, visual motor drills, sensory stimulation, integrated movement sequences, and fascia screening.

  • Understand how to use the concept of "PRIORITY" in clinical decision-making to select the most appropriate intervention for each client.

  • Gain insight into the practical application of these strategies through real-world examples and case studies.ecision-making to select the most appropriate intervention for each client.

  • Empower yourself with a comprehensive toolkit of interventions for cervical spine dysfunctions, increasing your versatility as a practitioner.


What's Next?

As the final module of the AMN Calibrate C-spine workshop, "What's Next?" serves as a bridge from the foundational skills and techniques you've learned to broader applications and continued learning opportunities. This module not only concludes the workshop but also opens up avenues for further exploration and advancement in the field of therapeutic interventions.

Study Time Commitment

15-20min / Day

Study Length Commitment

2-3 Weeks Average

Course Format


Meet David Fleming: The Architect of AMN, The Language of Healing

David Fleming is the visionary behind Applied Movement Neurology (AMN), a groundbreaking approach that merges neurology with functional movement to redefine holistic therapy. His innovative method, known as "The Language of Healing," goes beyond traditional practices by targeting the neurological roots of movement dysfunctions and pain, advocating for solutions that address the cause rather than just the symptoms.

David's passion for neurology and movement science is matched by his commitment to practical, accessible education. His workshops, including the C-Spine & Shoulder Workshop, offer a blend of cutting-edge research and hands-on techniques, making complex concepts approachable for practitioners of all levels. With AMN, David is not just educating; he's inspiring a new generation of therapists to achieve profound, lasting change in their clients' lives.

Unlock the full potential of your healing practice. Dive into the world of AMN with David Fleming and transform your approach to client care. Enroll today and start your journey towards mastery in Applied Movement Neurology.

Meet David Fleming: The Architect of AMN, The Language of Healing

David Fleming is the visionary behind Applied Movement Neurology (AMN), a groundbreaking approach that merges neurology with functional movement to redefine holistic therapy. His innovative method, known as "The Language of Healing," goes beyond traditional practices by targeting the neurological roots of movement dysfunctions and pain, advocating for solutions that address the cause rather than just the symptoms.

David's passion for neurology and movement science is matched by his commitment to practical, accessible education. His workshops, including the C-Spine & Shoulder Workshop, offer a blend of cutting-edge research and hands-on techniques, making complex concepts approachable for practitioners of all levels. With AMN, David is not just educating; he's inspiring a new generation of therapists to achieve profound, lasting change in their clients' lives.

Unlock the full potential of your healing practice. Dive into the world of AMN with David Fleming and transform your approach to client care. Enroll today and start your journey towards mastery in Applied Movement Neurology.

Discover How AMN is Transforming Practices Worldwide

Step into a community of thriving health professionals. Hear firsthand how AMN’s courses have revolutionized their approach and results.

Discover Rob's Amazing Recovery from Life-Altering Stroke with AMN!

Jonathan Hall's Healing Journey.

From Injury to Healer with AMN Academy

Marian Sramko's AMN Journey.
From Bodybuilder to Skilled Healing Practitioner

Veronica Sutherland – AMN Level 2 Practitioner

International Biomechanics Corrective Exercise Specialist

Pilates and Movement Therapy Studio

Dean Haspey – AMN Level 2 Practitioner

Clinical Therapist

Gareth Riddy – AMN Master Practitioner

Movement Therapist at

Hannah Moodie – AMN Master Practitioner

Owner of Health Rewired

Frequently Asked Questions

Is this workshop suitable for beginners in the health and fitness industry?

Yes, indeed! The Introductory C-Spine AMN Calibration Workshop is tailored to be accessible for practitioners at various stages in their health and fitness careers, including those who are just beginning. The workshop's content starts with foundational principles, specifically concentrating on the basics of AMN and the targeted improvement of lateral flexion and rotation in the cervical spine. This makes it a perfect starting point for anyone eager to embark on a journey towards developing their therapeutic skills with a focused approach.

How long will I have access to the workshop materials?

You will have access to all workshop materials and video lessons for 1 year from the date of enrollment. This limited access period is designed to encourage you to engage with the content actively and apply what you learn to your practice in real time, ensuring that the knowledge gained translates into tangible benefits for you and your clients.

Can I earn Continuing Education Credits (CECs) by completing this workshop?

Participants are encouraged to check with their respective professional boards or associations regarding the eligibility of this workshop for Continuing Education Credits. AMN Academy's courses are meticulously designed to meet high educational standards, and we can provide documentation of your participation for submission to your governing bodies.

What if I have questions or need clarification on the workshop content?

Enrollees in the C-Spine AMN Calibration Workshop have access to dedicated support from the AMN Academy team. Should you have any questions or require further clarification on workshop content, you can reach out via our designated support channels, and our team will be more than happy to assist you.

Are there any prerequisites for enrolling in this workshop?

No formal prerequisites are required to join the Introductory C-Spine AMN Calibration Workshop. However, possessing a foundational knowledge of anatomy and physiology, coupled with some exposure to the health, wellness, or fitness fields, can enrich your learning journey. This workshop is designed to introduce participants to basic AMN principles and techniques, particularly focusing on improving lateral flexion and rotation in the cervical spine, making it accessible and valuable for beginners and seasoned professionals alike.

How does this workshop differ from other spinal health and therapy courses?

The Introductory C-Spine AMN Calibration Workshop distinguishes itself by laying the foundation in the AMN approach, particularly emphasizing the restoration of lost lateral flexion and rotation in the cervical spine. Unlike other spinal health and therapy courses, this workshop begins with the basics of neurology and functional movement tailored to the AMN methodology. It offers an entry point into a holistic, neuroscience-based methodology, aiming to equip practitioners with the initial tools needed to address specific movement dysfunctions and pain, setting the stage for lasting client results.

Frequently Asked Questions

Is this workshop suitable for beginners in the health and fitness industry?

Yes, indeed! The Introductory C-Spine AMN Calibration Workshop is tailored to be accessible for practitioners at various stages in their health and fitness careers, including those who are just beginning. The workshop's content starts with foundational principles, specifically concentrating on the basics of AMN and the targeted improvement of lateral flexion and rotation in the cervical spine. This makes it a perfect starting point for anyone eager to embark on a journey towards developing their therapeutic skills with a focused approach.

How long will I have access to the workshop materials?

You will have access to all workshop materials and video lessons for 1 year from the date of enrollment. This limited access period is designed to encourage you to engage with the content actively and apply what you learn to your practice in real time, ensuring that the knowledge gained translates into tangible benefits for you and your clients.

Can I earn Continuing Education Credits (CECs) by completing this workshop?

Participants are encouraged to check with their respective professional boards or associations regarding the eligibility of this workshop for Continuing Education Credits. AMN Academy's courses are meticulously designed to meet high educational standards, and we can provide documentation of your participation for submission to your governing bodies.

What if I have questions or need clarification on the workshop content?

Enrollees in the C-Spine AMN Calibration Workshop have access to dedicated support from the AMN Academy team. Should you have any questions or require further clarification on workshop content, you can reach out via our designated support channels, and our team will be more than happy to assist you.

Are there any prerequisites for enrolling in this workshop?

No formal prerequisites are required to join the Introductory C-Spine AMN Calibration Workshop. However, possessing a foundational knowledge of anatomy and physiology, coupled with some exposure to the health, wellness, or fitness fields, can enrich your learning journey. This workshop is designed to introduce participants to basic AMN principles and techniques, particularly focusing on improving lateral flexion and rotation in the cervical spine, making it accessible and valuable for beginners and seasoned professionals alike.

How does this workshop differ from other spinal health and therapy courses?

The Introductory C-Spine AMN Calibration Workshop distinguishes itself by laying the foundation in the AMN approach, particularly emphasizing the restoration of lost lateral flexion and rotation in the cervical spine. Unlike other spinal health and therapy courses, this workshop begins with the basics of neurology and functional movement tailored to the AMN methodology. It offers an entry point into a holistic, neuroscience-based methodology, aiming to equip practitioners with the initial tools needed to address specific movement dysfunctions and pain, setting the stage for lasting client results.

Grab this Special Opportunity:
Join the AMN Workshop for Only £67!

Act now – this unique offer won't last forever. Elevate your practice with groundbreaking AMN techniques, directly from David Fleming. Transform your approach, enhance client outcomes, and set yourself apart. Secure your spot and make a pivotal change in your professional journey

Grab this Special Opportunity:

Join the AMN Workshop for Only £67!

Act now – this unique offer won't last forever. Elevate your practice with groundbreaking AMN techniques, directly from David Fleming. Transform your approach, enhance client outcomes, and set yourself apart. Secure your spot and make a pivotal change in your professional journey

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© All rights reserved 2024 AMN Operations LLC and AMN Intellectual Properties LLC. | Made by Heartbeat.Buzz